
Psst! Let us fill you in on something: we know what it takes to make you irresistible. After all, it is our craft to make our clients and their products irresistible. Well, it's more than just our craft: it is our art.

How do we do this? With online marketing that makes your website pop. With well thought-out communication that presents you in the most beautiful way. With training in which we share our secret recipes with you. With attractive websites that give you proper footing on your online path. And with really great consultation. It doesn't help us any to talk you into things you don't need.

That would actually jeopardise what is really important to us: a harmonious and long-term partnership with you which relies on trustworthiness and honesty, not false vanities

.And we don't only say it, we actually do it. As our name gesagt.getan. says: said and done

How We Work

It's not without reason that we characterise our work as digital craft: everything we think of, conceive and utlimately create is done with heart, brain and handshake-quality. What is especially important to us? Honest consultation, a long-term, eye-to-eye relationship and: plenty of time that we dedicate to your needs. Would you like to learn more about our style of working? Gladly.

office space
480 m2

Where We Work

Plus: the green slopes of the Unterberg that is located just outside our windows gives us plenty of fresh air and provide a great balance to our digital workbench. And: despite our enviable location surrounded by nature, it takes no time at all to reach the centre of Salzburg – thank goodness for the great public transport. Here's how you can find us...

Außerdem: Die grünen Hänge des Untersbergs, die sich direkt vor unserer Nasenspitze befinden, versorgen uns mit ausreichend frischer Luft und Ausgleich zu unserer digitalen Werkbank. Und: Trotz unserer beneidenswerten Grünlage sind wir in Null komma Nichts mitten im Zentrum der Stadt Salzburg – der guten Verkehrsverbindung sei Dank. So finden Sie den Weg zu uns…

average age
34,18 years
team table
4,6 m

Who Works For Us

Our team is currently made up of 17 digital craftspeople who work in the areas of programming, web design, web marketing, copywriting, communication and project management. The two gesagt.getan. partners are the "foremen" of our three departments and stand tall at our workbench together with our entire team.

And: when we aren't sitting at our desks, you can most likely find us at our large team table. There we eat, chat, joke and, well, mostly eat. And: because we are one big family, our table is an impressive 4.6 metres long. Learn more about our team here.